May 2023 Member’s Newsletter
Business Beautification Fund
Little touches can go a long way! In an effort to help beautify our commercial areas, the ADBIA is pleased to introduce the Business Beautification Fund.
All members within our catchment that are a commercial street-level business are eligible to receive funding that will be put towards enhancing the outward appearance of their business. The ADBIA will match up to 50% of the proposed project to a maximum of $2000 per business.
Recommended Projects:
- Patio umbrellas, awnings, outdoor planters, décor, hanging baskets
- Refresh or replacement of storefront windows and doors
- Exterior painting of door, building, trim
- Repair, replacement, or upgrade of business signs and signages (excluding sandwich boards)
- Upgrade of window display (including design and installation of window wraps, window displays, lighting, menu boards, etc.)
The above list is not all-encompassing. Other improvements could be eligible if they meet the objectives of the Business Beautification Fund.
Application Process:
- The Business Beautification Fund application is available now and will be open until August 31st or funds are exhausted.
- Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be reviewed to ensure criteria is met before approval.
- Successful applications will be notified within 7 days of their submission.
- Only one application per business will be accepted.
- The ADBIA will reimburse the business upon submission of an invoice providing proof of payment for services rendered or purchases made for the project.
- All applications must comply with the District of West Vancouver regulations.
- If approval from a property owner is required, a copy of the approval letter must be provided along with any applicable permits from the District when submitting claims.
- Funds will only be given for new projects. Projects under construction or completed projects will excluded.
- The ADBIA reserves the right to turn down an application if it does not align with the Business Beautification Fund objectives.
To submit your application, please fill out the form. For any questions, email Maureen O’Brien, Executive Director.
Summer Events
Lots of events happening this summer!
Please keep these dates in mind for your customers and clients as many will affect parking and accessibility.
June 2nd – 3rd
All Day
Ambleside Park
West Vancouver Community Cultural Festival
June 10th
7am – 11am
1400 block Bellevue Avenue – full closure
ALS Car Rally
July 1st
All Day
John Lawson Park
Canada Day Festivities
August 4th – 13th
All Day
Millennium Park, John Lawson Park, Argyle Avenue
Harmony Arts Festival
August 25th
noon – 11pm
2400 block Marine Drive, Dundarave
Dundarave Hoedown
Zero Waste Coaching for Small Businesses
Ocean Ambassadors Canada is empowering small businesses to move towards zero waste and prepare for upcoming federal and provincial single-use item regulations.
With support from the District of West Vancouver, OAC would like to help you – business owners, managers, and staff – make more sustainable choices and navigate changing single-use item regulations.
Visit their website for more information and to set up a personal one-on-one meeting with them to see how they can help you and your business.
AGM: Save the Date
Our AGM will be held on Tuesday August 22nd. Location and time pending but please save the date.
The ADBIA is up for renewal in 2025 so we will start the process of engaging with our commercial property owners and business owners. Please ensure you have all of your information up to date and are registered with the ADBIA to be able to vote at the AGM and for us to be able to contact you with more information about the renewal process.
Member registration forms must be completed each year and can be accessed via our website or at this link.
A Note from our Executive Director
In March, I celebrated three years as the Executive Director of the ADBIA. I wanted to take a moment to thank all of our members for their support of our initiatives and campaigns the past few years. From our BIA Bucks to the murals to our ambient tree lighting to resurrecting the Hoedown and everything in between – I’m grateful for the support and the opportunity to work with each of you.
I recently returned from the BIABC conference in Victoria and I will say, I feel like our community is one of the best in BC. We are fortunate to have so much community support, a council that encourages small business, and a board that has a vision for Ambleside and Dundarave. At the conference, I was appointed as a BIABC board member and I look forward to representing our commercial area and working with government at the provincial level to be a voice for BIA’s across the province.
It really does take a village to make a village!
Thank you,
Maureen O’Brien
Executive Director, ADBIA